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Making Good


Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District


Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District received a multi-million-dollar bond measure to improve parks and facilities. As part of the bond measure the district was required to publish a progress report. Allegro Design developed the headline “Making Good,” that became the branded title for each of the last four reports.


›› Headline
›› Illustration / information graphics
›› Design and layout
›› Editorial assistance



2016 Annual Report

Nonprofit annual report. Oregon park district // Allegro Design
Nonprofit annual report. Oregon park district // Allegro Design

2014 Annual Report

Nonprofit annual report cover | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report detail | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report, photo spread | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report spread | Allegro Design | Portland, OR

2012 Annual Report

Nonprofit annual report cover | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report spread | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report spread | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report spread | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report, information graphic | Allegro Design | Portland, OR

2011 Annual Report

Nonprofit annual report cover | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report spread | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report detail | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report detail | Allegro Design | Portland, OR

2010 Annual Report

Annual report cover | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit annual report detail | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Annual report cover | Allegro Design | Portland, OR
Nonprofit nnual report spread | Allegro Design | Portland, OR

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